Lesson Plan for the week of 4-29 to 5-3
This week we will be studying Population and Urbanization Chapter 16
Friday 4-26 start chapter 16 terms
Monday 4-29 continue chapter 16 terms
Tuesday The dynamics of Demography
Wednesday World Populations
Thursday Populations and Urbanization
Friday Urban Ecology
Author Archives: barnesc
Lesson Plan April 23 to 26
Sociology Lesson Plan April 23 to 26th
This week we will watch the movie Soylent Green. We will be discussing the theory of Man-Made Global Warming, the effects of world population on the environment, the impact of pollution on the environment, and the potential for false science to be used to promote political agendas. This discussion is going to be approached from the social, not environmental, science viewpoint. We will not be making definitive statements on the impact of human society on the environment but rather looking at how these definitive statements on the environment impact human society.
Lesson plan for 4-15 to 4-18
This week we will be watching the movie Miricle about the 1980 United States Men’s hockey team. We will be discussing teams, and how Society can and often does identify itself with a sports team. The students will also discuss the economic impact of major events like the Olympic games on local communities.
Lesson Plan for March 18th
This week we will begin a research Paper over violence in social media, Movies, Video games etc. and how or if it influences social behavior.
Monday No class Teacher Work day.
Tuesday Introduction to online data bases guest speaker Carol Stewart
Wednesday Research day find a minimum of 5 sources to study on the topic.
Thursday Study day read an analyze the material you have to form a thesis.
Friday Write your thesis and present it for review and grading.
Monday-Tuesday March 25th-26th Write and submit your Paper.
Lesson Plan for 2/25/19 to 3/1/19
This week we are focusing on Sports and Competition. How do different people become interested in or not interested in sports? What makes a person good at a sport while another person with equal opportunities does not become good? How does Conflict theory apply to sports? Our sport will be a game called Star Fleet Battles. I selected this game as I expect non of the student have ever heard of it and thus will start with equal knowledge. A basic rule book will be provided and limited guidance will be provided by me. The Test for this topic will be a classroom discussion over the results of the game play who did well and who did not and the underlaying reasons why. Students are NOT graded on their win/loss record they are graded on participation and the ability to clearly discuss the final outcome.
Lesson Plan for the week of Febuary 11th to 22
Over the next two-week s we will finish our discussion on Culture with a written assignment over the cultural impact of the proposals presented in President Trumps State of the Union Address. On Tuesday 2-12-19 we will begin to look at competition and learning. The Students will be introduced to the game Star Fleet battles each student will be assigned a race and will need to learn the rules of the game and the abilities of each. Students will participate in competitive and corporative scenarios with differing outcomes of victory.
Lesson Plan for the week of Febuary 4th
This week we will study Culture the knowledge, language, values customs, and physical objects that are passed from generation to generation.
Lesson Plan for January 21-25
This week we will be looking at groups and social interactions, We will use the game Dungeons and Dragons as a role playing game to assign students to roles in a group. After the group has attempted a mission we will discuss how the different characters played differing role in the accomplishment of the mission.
Lesson plan for November 27
We will be watching the movie silent running and reflecting on the decision of one man with the social back drop of humanity and culture. We will discuss the relative worth of Human life as opposed to animal life, robots or AI, and deep felt personal convictions. We will discuss the ethical conflicts that occur when a persons deep held beliefs conflict with societies decisions.
Lesson plan for 11/13-11/17
Week 4 Nov 13
Teaching days 5
Population and Demography
Monday Chapter 16 terms
Tuesday Discussion on fertility, mortality, and migration
Wednesday Discussion on World population growth patterns
Thursday Discussion on Urbanization
Friday Test