Lesson Plan for the week of 4-29 to 5-3
This week we will be studying Population and Urbanization Chapter 16
Friday 4-26 start chapter 16 terms
Monday 4-29 continue chapter 16 terms
Tuesday The dynamics of Demography
Wednesday World Populations
Thursday Populations and Urbanization
Friday Urban Ecology
Category Archives: 113.46.11
Lesson Plan for January 21-25
This week we will be looking at groups and social interactions, We will use the game Dungeons and Dragons as a role playing game to assign students to roles in a group. After the group has attempted a mission we will discuss how the different characters played differing role in the accomplishment of the mission.
Lesson plan for 11/13-11/17
Week 4 Nov 13
Teaching days 5
Population and Demography
Monday Chapter 16 terms
Tuesday Discussion on fertility, mortality, and migration
Wednesday Discussion on World population growth patterns
Thursday Discussion on Urbanization
Friday Test
Sociology Lesson Plan for Week 1 of Second Nine Weeks
Week 1 Oct 23
Teaching days 5
The role of the family tied loosely to Chapter 11
Monday The evolution of the American family this will be a open ended discussion covering the nuclear, extended, single, step, same sex, cross generational,
Tuesday Family dynamics and roles of family members
Wednesday Functional and dysfunctional family conditions
Thursday and Friday internal review of your family challenges solutions and future.
Week 3 Lesson Plan
Week 3 Aug 28
Teaching days 5
Students will explore culture and social structure. The student examines world cultures. The student is expected to:
(A) identify the elements of culture to include language, symbols, norms, and values;
(B) explain how the elements of culture form a whole culture; and
(C) give examples of subcultures and describe what makes them unique.
(4) Culture and social structure. The student understands types of groups and their functions. The student is expected to:
(A) describe models of primary, secondary, formal, informal, and reference groups and e-communities; and
(B) analyze groups in terms of membership roles, status, values, mores, role conflicts, and methods of resolution.
M GURPS character creation, T C2 Terms W-F Roleplaying with GURPS Focus on societal stratification and Communism.